completely unaware

美 [kəmˈpliːtli ˌʌnəˈwer]英 [kəmˈpliːtli ˌʌnəˈweə(r)]
  • 完全不知的
completely unawarecompletely unaware
  1. He was completely unaware of the whole affair .


  2. You 're also completely unaware that you laugh like a4 year old .


  3. She has abilities she 's completely unaware of .


  4. He was completely unaware that he was being watched .


  5. He sat in complete silence and seemed completely unaware of the existence of the others .


  6. But everyone else beyond the deployment team is completely unaware of the changes that are about to occur .


  7. The participants were completely unaware that they had learned the relationship between smells and sounds .


  8. I was completely unaware of it .


  9. Each activity is a POJO and is completely unaware of any infrastructure / controller components that manage it .


  10. But that also brings up the question of whether or not being completely unaware of our surroundings is the best way to stay safe .


  11. People with the rare condition send incoherent text messages while asleep to their friends and family - completely unaware that they are doing it .


  12. Such time-outs are independent of database mirroring , which has no knowledge of them and is completely unaware of their behavior .


  13. When I came here , I was 18 years old , bright eyed , and completely unaware of all the amazing things that would soon take place .


  14. I adopted Kevin when he was only six months old , completely unaware of any hereditary traits , but , thank God , now we know .


  15. Most people would be completely unaware that they were communicating with an Exchange server instead of one of the open source products , such as Cyrus , which supports the IMAP protocol .


  16. The cloud provider produces the application server service , but you might be completely unaware of what vendor 's server you are receiving unless you negotiated a specific agreement with the provider .


  17. More importantly , and critically , for a project of this sort , the Exchange server is completely unaware that it is communicating with anything but another Exchange-compatible client .


  18. While most alligators only attack if provoked , unprovoked predation does occur . Victims are often completely unaware of the alligator until it attacks .


  19. She said : ' It 's so funny - we were completely unaware that it had become a hit on the internet . We see lots of people coming to take pictures of the church . '


  20. Instead of trying to penetrate a network and find a domain or network they 're completely unaware of , the hacker only has to infiltrate a portion of a network that they do know about .


  21. Jessica babbled on and on about her dance plans Lauren and Angela had asked the other boys and they were all going together completely unaware of my inattention .


  22. The youth of the time were completely unaware that the society they found themselves in was dark as they were innocent and naive , completely unaware of the cruelty of societal struggle .


  23. Some of the sick died in hospital beds and in nursing homes , and the director of FEMA was completely / unaware of the situation , the president merely flew over in his airplane .
